Stephen Hawking died today. What good did his science do? (Spoiler alert: Bunches.)

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What does it take to clarify the central conceit of a science fiction series? When a humble science teacher, Mr. Clarke, uses a paper plate to explain the “theoretical” existence of other dimensions. The Acrobat is walking a tightrope and…

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When director Robert Wise’s Sci-Fi drama, The Day the Earth Stood Still, debuted in 1951 it was met with mostly positive acclaim by critics but not as widely seen by audiences of the day. It finished 52nd at the box…

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Deep in a vault in the Paris suburbs—behind three different keys, a climate-controlled safe, and two nested glass covers—sits a fist-sized piece of metal that weighs exactly a kilogram – and always has. How has it remained so perfectly weighted?  Because this…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: We have been eagerly awaiting the Fall movie season so we can begin sitting back and enjoying what has become the best season for film each year. The Martian plants that…

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The Apollo program that took twelve men to the moon had a staff that numbered around 400,000 people. Mark Watney is stuck on Mars, alone.

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Occasionally, a week is so busy that we feel a need to comment on more than one thing. Usually we release multiple articles, but this week we’re going to try something new: the Lightning Round. We’re going to take a…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: Everyone is quick to remind you of Neill Blomkamp’s first film, District 9. I think they have been doing this because of the letdown of Elysium and the sheer disappointment in…

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Oblivion Directed By Joseph Kosinski Rated PG-13 Victoria: “Two more weeks, Jack. Then we can finally leave and join the others. Don’t take any chances…” Oblivion rounds out the last of the serious offerings before the Summer movie season begins in just a…

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