If you have already seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens five times and need something other than John Williams music humming in your brain pans, lean on our trusty contributors to lend you their movie watching expertise. We have three excellent picks…

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You may or may not be headed out to the theaters this weekend. However, you still might need something really good to stream after the kids go to bed or you finally call it quits on the work week. Whatever…

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One week. Seven days. You know what I am getting at. In other movie news, that doesn’t rhyme with “car boars”, we’ve got a great slate of new movies this week! Chris Hemsworth is back in theaters taking on giant…

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The last month of December is not a time to wind down, but a time to ramp up your streaming movie watching! It’s cold, it’s possibly snowy, and you need a nice warm place to stay cozy and watch some…

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It’s finally happened everyone, it’s December! The last month of 2015 promises to be cinematic history with the opening of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, as well as The Revenant and The Hateful Eight! December is about to get very crowded, but before…

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Many of you fortunate movie-lovers out there are going to have some extra time this holiday week to watch some movies. In order to accommodate for your extra time off, we bring you a Wednesday helping of recommendations from our…

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A very Happy early Thanksgiving to you! Due to the holiday this week, it is one of the special times in the new movie calendar where new releases start hitting the theaters on Tuesday night. In anticipation of this slate…

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I’m not against complex plots, on the contrary, I tend to gravitate toward those types of stories. Though, as I grow older, I’ve noticed a growing love for simpler tales told in minimalist styles. Everything has a place. There’s a…

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Inevitably, any movie starring Nicolas Cage is going to be a sizable target with a giant bullseye shaped like Cage’s head. The visage of Cage, or the mere mention of his name, has become an internet meme in its own…

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STARRED UP One of the few places I would ever like to find myself is locked up in a prison.  I am a total wimp and would probably be an even tamer and more limp-wristed version of Andy DuFrane.  Not…

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