Hey. We need to talk.

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I talked in my last article about the bedrock principle behind what Reel World Theology does: figuring out the core of a story, and pointing out the resonance (or the dissonance) with God’s story. But what is the core of…

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Happy New Year from Redeeming Culture! We go over the highlights of 2017 in our wrap-up post.

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Well, 2016 is in the record books now. A lot of posts have gone up this year, and we’re so unbelievably thankful for each and every one of you. We’d like to take this opportunity to look at some highlights…

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What a year!  Redeeming Culture’s first full calendar year.  We’ve made 67 posts this year; let’s run down some highlights, shall we? (note: to be considered for this list, the post in question must have been put up on or…

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A year ago today, we were preparing to launch Redeeming Culture to the world.  It’s been an incredible 12 months; hopefully, you’ve enjoyed the last 73 posts.  If you’ve missed any, have a look at the top ten posts from…

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Hey everybody! We have a store now! Come to our Redbubble store to pick up shirts, mugs, stickers, and more with some great Redeeming Culture logos and images on it. If that doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, look…

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On September 24, Redeeming Culture officially launched to the world.  Since then, we’ve posted 25 articles on a wide range of different topics.  Let’s take a look back on our year, shall we? The Caption Awards Our First Post Iron…

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