
“The Greensboro Fellows Apologetics class challenges participants to humbly, thoughtfully and winsomely engage culture from a Christ-centered perspective in a way that cultivates and defends the life of God.” – Elijah Lovejoy

In April I had the opportunity to host a live conversation with the Greensboro Fellows. I was invited by Elijah Lovejoy, who was working with the Fellows, teaching apologetics. This was a great time to encourage, examine, and engage a popular narrative that was creating conversations across groups with profoundly different world views. Though there is always a challenge in recording a round table discussion that involves 15-20 participants, I think this turned out pretty well and there was, indeed, a pretty great discussion to be had. I hope you give it a listen and maybe take a look at this film from an angle you had not considered before.

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast:


We are finally sitting down to talk about the Darren Aronofsky directed, Noah. This film has garnered a lot of attention from various religious and non-religious communities for both it’s perceived and actual take on the Old Testament account of Noah. While some of it is warranted, we will try to figure out where the divisions have been and maybe where they should be. From “Rock Monsters” to homicidal prophets to magic forests to all out war on the ark, there are a lot of conversations happening because of this movie and we want to add something positive to it.

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: We talk about Spike Jonze film, Her, about a man, in the “not too distant future”, who falls in love with his operating system. This film, starring Joaquin Phoenix, Scarlett Johansson, Rooney…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: We take a look at the latest installment in Peter Jackson’s reimagining of Middle Earth via The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. In this installment of Jackson’s Hobbit Trilogy, the dwarves,…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: This week we return to the realm of new releases and take a look at the thought-provoking independent film from Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Don Jon. The Film is about a New Jersey…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: Since Shaun of the Dead first caught our attention in 2004, we have been enamored with the films brought to us by the team of Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright. They…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: While it should be no surprise after District 9, Neill Blomkamp’s sophomore film, Elysium, was packed with themes of social justice and it has been met with a storm of controversy.…

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