Talking Noah With the Fellows

Talking Noah With the Fellows


“The Greensboro Fellows Apologetics class challenges participants to humbly, thoughtfully and winsomely engage culture from a Christ-centered perspective in a way that cultivates and defends the life of God.” – Elijah Lovejoy

In April I had the opportunity to host a live conversation with the Greensboro Fellows. I was invited by Elijah Lovejoy, who was working with the Fellows, teaching apologetics. This was a great time to encourage, examine, and engage a popular narrative that was creating conversations across groups with profoundly different world views. Though there is always a challenge in recording a round table discussion that involves 15-20 participants, I think this turned out pretty well and there was, indeed, a pretty great discussion to be had. I hope you give it a listen and maybe take a look at this film from an angle you had not considered before.

Download the Conversation Here:
Reel World Theology Live – Talking Noah With the Fellows


More about The Greensboro Fellows:

The Greensboro Fellows Program is a 10-month program of Christ-centered discipleship and development geared towards recent college graduates.  We recruit young adults from around the country to live, work, study and play in the community that we call home.  During their stay with us fellows are involved in many experiences, including the following:

– living with a local family in a host home
– worshiping together at Church of the Redeemer
– leadership development courses at the Center for Creative Leadership
– a paid internship in ministry or the marketplace
– courses in Church History and Apologetics (some accredited for graduate credit hours)
– weekly volunteer work with churches, para-church ministries and non-profits
– weekly seminars with local business leaders
– several trips around the country including Charleston, SC; Baltimore, MD; and Orlando, FL
– a two-week trip to work alongside our partner church in Rwanda

We hope these 10 months together will be transformational for the fellows and our community and inspire young Christ-followers to live worshipfully and engage their culture with the truth of the Gospel throughout their lives. – Tripp Graziano

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