Starting 2020 Right: 21 Midnight Moments
A new year is coming. Maybe a new decade too, but at least a new year. We can all agree on that, right? If you use a different calendar consider this extreme pre-planning, or bookmark this article and read it…
Reel World: Rewind #037 – The Matrix
On this episode of Reel World: Rewind… We know Kung-Fu. Well, not really, unless Gene forgot to tell us he actually DOES know it. However, one thing we do know is The Matrix is a defining movie in the prolific movie year…
Streaming Weekly July 2017 1.0
After a couple weeks on hiatus (#because summer), we’re back and better than ever. Well, not really, but we gotta sell stuff or we can’t pay the rent! Not really, since we don’t pay rent or get paid. Well, just…
Top 5 Non-Comic Book Superhero Movies
The latest reboot of the Fantastic Four hits theaters this weekend and there is much trepidation and reluctance surrounding Marvel’s first family. This time around, 20th Century Fox gave Josh Trank the opportunity to hopefully right the ship of this much loved…
Top 5 Highest Grossing Movies Opening on Easter Weekend
Having put Palm Sunday in the rearview mirror, we are now planted firmly in Holy Week, honestly, one of the best weeks of the year. The week leading up to Easter is a chance to reflect on the story of…
Top 5 Tuesday – Best Movies With Original Screenplays
Everyone loves lists. Top Tens, Billboard Top 200, Bottom Ten, Top 100, etc. It is inherent and ingrained in our human nature to take the chaos around us and put it in some sort of orderly fashion. Every Tuesday, Josh…
REEL WORLD in Real Life (Summer 2014)
It’s that time of year again when REEL WORLD Theology gets to meet up and have real conversations in real time with really cool folks. These are always a lot of fun because it gives anyone who wants to a chance to chime in on how they felt about the themes and narratives of particular films. We have chosen another great variety of films, from animated, to classic, to independent to “love zombie.” I mean, what else could you want, right?