“Who killed the world?” This question haunts the now five-year-old masterpiece Mad Max: Fury Road. Though it is only uttered twice in the film, the state of Fury Road’s world demands it be asked. The barren desert landscape bears witness…

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In a long and storied career, Mel Gibson has been an integral part of movies since he and George Miller worked together on 1979’s Mad Max. Gibson became an out-and-out star and arguably became an A-List celebrity. That is until he became…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: One of our most anticipated movies of the Summer may have just become one of the best movies of the year. With levels of hype that seemed unachievable, Fury Road surpassed…

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Just when you thought that Avengers: Age of Ultron was destined to be the most action-packed and relentless film of the blockbuster season, Mad Max: Fury Road comes thundering into theaters. Director George Miller has returned to his beloved franchise after a thirty-year…

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It is not a well guarded secret that I am a huge Tom Hardy fan. He is one of four actors I will not miss, unless the movie is not in my area. A score of performances from 2008 to…

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With not only May arriving this weekend, but Avengers: Age of Ultron, the Summer Movie season (May-Aug) is beginning. Since we are all obviously excited about Avengers this Friday, Here is a Top 5 list of the movies that I…

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I’m back at it this week with a brand new Top 5 Tuesday and we’re finally looking ahead to 2015! There are a LOT of movies we here at Reel World Theology are looking forward to in 2015.  None bigger…

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