Fizz’s Top 5 Most Anticipated Summer Movies

Fizz’s Top 5 Most Anticipated Summer Movies

With not only May arriving this weekend, but Avengers: Age of Ultron, the Summer Movie season (May-Aug) is beginning. Since we are all obviously excited about Avengers this Friday, Here is a Top 5 list of the movies that I (Fizz) am personally most excited to see this Summer. The toughest part of this list is having to leave off a number of films that I will definitely be in the theater for, but, when it all comes down to it, this is the list.

Is your list different? Great! Let us know what you can’t wait to see this week in the comments!

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5. (tie) Jurassic World/Pitch Perfect 2 (6/12, 5/15)

jurassic01Here is a battle between two movies heading in opposite directions for me. At the time of writing this list, they sit equal on my excitement level scale. Jurassic World was a film that I have been anticipating for some time and the addition of Chris Pratt made me even more excited. Sadly, the more previews I see of the actual film, the more this looks to me like The Lost World instead of Jurassic Park. I am really hoping that the saving grace for this film is the writing team that brought us Rise and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes has a hand in this.

pperfect201Pitch Perfect 2?” You may ask. “Yes!” I respond. I picked up the first Pitch Perfect film because my wife loves movies about dancing and singing– and I love her, so… To my surprise, I found the first film fun, funny, and fairly clever (and not just for a “singing movie”). Anna Kendrick became a breakout star and I have been impressed with her ever since. The previews for PP2 look like they are keeping the same humorous tone from the first, just on a larger scale. If you want to see a fun film that probably will have a little something for everyone this Summer, my guess is that you won’t do much better.

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4. Ant-Man (7/17)

am001MARVEL hasn’t truly missed yet in my opinion. Sure, there are some films that are better than others, but on the whole, with its Winter Soldier and Guardians successes last year, it only looks like they are improving their formula. This movie may have been my most-anticipated film of the Summer if Edgar Wright was still at the helm for sure, but I am not assuming that it will be a one-eighty without him. It will certainly be stylistically different than if Wright were in creative control, but again, MARVEL continues to deliver and until they give me a reason not to, I will continue to shell out the dollars to see whatever is on the horizon– despite my disappointment in the choice to part ways with one of the most inventive story-tellers in recent memory. Plus, I love Paul Rudd. For real.

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3. INSIDE OUT (6/19)

insideout01Besides Toy Story 3, I have been pretty lukewarm on PIXAR’s offerings over the past few years. It has actually been surprising to see other companies like Dreamworks and Disney Animation surpass them in storytelling (in some cases, not all). But, Pete Doctor (Toy Story, Monsters Inc, WALL-E, Up) is back with what looks to be a very original concept that I really, really hope he can pull off. I miss the days of PIXAR moving my soul with their stories.

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2. Tomorrowland (5/22)

tomorrowland01Ok, so here’s my thoughts on Tomorrowland. I don’t know if I like Britt Robertson at all– especially as a lead. I like Clooney. I love Hugh Laurie. I have no idea what this film is about. I saw a trailer or two for it and now I have even less idea what this film is about. So, where does that leave us? Well, it leaves us with the most important piece; Brad Bird. Brad Bird made my favorite animated film, The Iron Giant, and another in my top 5, The Incredibles. Until he steers me wrong, I will go see whatever stories he wants to tell– even if I have no idea what they are about!

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1. Mad Max: Fury Road (5/15)

madmax01This may come as no surprise to those of you who follow the site and remember Josh and I combining our powers at the beginning of the year to bring you our Top 5 Most Anticipated Movies of 2015 (Not Named Star Wars or Avengers). Even with more hype and more trailers for other competing films, Mad Max: Fury Road has cemented itself at the top of our list this Summer. The trailers for this film look so mind-blowingly amazing that I had to do my level best to not see any more less I wet my leather chaps with glee. Tom Hardy looks born to step into the role of the Road Warrior and somehow George Miller looks to have captured the incredible spectacle of The Road Warrior without moving away from the simplicity of the setting that made it such a great film all those years ago. There was a lot of worry that this would be more Thunderdome than Road Warrior, but the trailers tell me that this could be The Road Warrior fully realized.

Can you tell we are stupid excited about this one?

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