For a little while, 2016 was a paltry ration compared to the veritable feast of 2015. We went into 2016 with incredibly high expectations as 2015 went down as one of the best years for movies in over a decade.…

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The director is the only person who is involved in every aspect of making a movie. No matter how great a performance, how well-crafted a script, creative the editing, or cutting edge the special effects are, if the director is…

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After a creaking start to the first-half of 2016, the movies and performances picked up steam to near breakneck speeds in November through January. Which ends up being pretty funny since this category is heavy with movies from before November.…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: We had the chance to circle back around to a film that did not make the type of splash a lot of people thought it would, but those who did see…

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Now that January is officially behind us, this February starts with some solid releases that promise to vie heavily for box office and critical supremacy. In the past couple of Februarys, we have seen surprising movies like The LEGO Movie, Kingsmen: The…

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With the passing of January on the Reel World Theology calendar, we squarely focus our sights on 2016 and what has us gnawing at our limbs in anticipation. We put together our collective heads together and mashed together our separate…

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