Nearly 25 years ago, the producers of the independent gem Love Jones had a modest and honest goal with its romance. They sought to make a modern film about African-American life that did not use violence and/or recreational drugs as…

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“[George Romero] turns the whole concept into something completely different. You can’t control the zombies. They are out of control. Generally, monsters — vampires, Frankenstein, Godzilla, whatever — they are outside the social structure. They are a danger to it, they are…

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I am sorry to start this review with a personal anecdote, but I’m white and male and we like talking about ourselves, so just bear with me. I, unfortunately, watched this film over two evenings because I wasn’t fortunate enough…

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It may surprise you to learn that I actually really like romantic comedies. Well, I like good romantic comedies, of which I think there are very few. And while there is certainly nothing wrong with liking more generic romantic comedies,…

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In Oakland, California in the early morning hours of New Year’s Day, Oscar Grant III was shot by police at the Fruitvale BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) Station. He would eventually die after hours of surgery to try and save…

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It’s always helpful to sit back and think about why you do something and how you are doing something. When watching movies it is so easy to get caught up in not thinking about them, especially since a lot of…

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The Wednesday Web Link is our weekly feature on an article from the whole internets that is not only movie related, but a movie related article that makes you think deeper about the movies and TV you are watching.  If…

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“The Greensboro Fellows Apologetics class challenges participants to humbly, thoughtfully and winsomely engage culture from a Christ-centered perspective in a way that cultivates and defends the life of God.” – Elijah Lovejoy

In April I had the opportunity to host a live conversation with the Greensboro Fellows. I was invited by Elijah Lovejoy, who was working with the Fellows, teaching apologetics. This was a great time to encourage, examine, and engage a popular narrative that was creating conversations across groups with profoundly different world views. Though there is always a challenge in recording a round table discussion that involves 15-20 participants, I think this turned out pretty well and there was, indeed, a pretty great discussion to be had. I hope you give it a listen and maybe take a look at this film from an angle you had not considered before.

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