10 Things That Make Perfect Sense About The Captain America Trilogy If You Actually Watch It
In three movies over nearly seven hours, Captain America is showcased at length, and if you actually watch the movies and think a little bit, every detail that matters makes total sense. Clickbait abounds, though, and a recent piece by…
Streaming Weekly December 2016 4.0
School’s out, you might be on vacation, and all of us here at Reel World want to make sure you get the belated Christmas gift of streaming recommendations! So keep your friends close this holiday weekend, but keep your recommendations…
CIVIL WAR: Standing and Moving – Ryan’s Side
This review is about Marvel’s recent film “Captain America: Civil War.” It does contain mild spoilers about the plot, but no ending or twist information. Make sure you read the other article in “Redeeming Culture: Civil War,” too. #TeamRyan! •…
CIVIL WAR: Explosions and Atonement – David’s Side
This review is about Marvel’s recent film “Captain America: Civil War.” It does contain mild spoilers about the plot, but no ending or twist information. Make sure you read the other article in “Redeeming Culture: Civil War,” too. #TeamDavid! •…
Top 10 Most Anticipated Movies of 2016
With the passing of January on the Reel World Theology calendar, we squarely focus our sights on 2016 and what has us gnawing at our limbs in anticipation. We put together our collective heads together and mashed together our separate…