Review| Burden
Like I talked about in my review of last year’s Skin, it is difficult telling a story of America’s ugly past dealing with racism, and the terrorism that the Ku Klux Klan visited upon our African American brothers and sisters. It…
Hell Is Behind That Door: Suspiria (1977 & 2018) and the Curse of Knowledge
How does one go about remaking Dario Argento’s blood-splattered hallucination Suspiria? One doesn’t. Were one to try they would wreck upon the shoals of its bewildering non-plot and nightmarish visual logic. The most a writer or director can do is…
Review| Social Animals (2018)
The internet and its wave of social media platforms have provided a new breeding ground for documentaries. When information about everything is available with a click at any time, questions of interpersonal communication, ethics, privacy, among other concerns present themselves…
Oscar Nominations 2018 – Winners and Losers
The nominees for the 91st Academy Awards have been announced! And of course, like any major announcement of awards or movie news, there will be things we loved and tragic oversights. So, here are some quick thoughts and observations on…
My Bottom Five 2018: Blake I. Collier
Unlike my top ten films list, my bottom five were rather easy to select; but probably more controversial than most lists. When I hate a movie, I actively despise it and the more praise that gets heaped on it—if praise…
Review| Widows (2018)
It has been mentioned by many at this point but considering the type of story Steve McQueen usually endeavors upon, this is not the type of property one might have expected. Lynda La Plante’s 1983 British mini-series doesn’t quite have…
Review| Suspiria (2018)
The film reviews coming out of major news and cultural commentary sites seem to fall within two categories when attempting to grapple with Luca Guadagnino’s Suspiria: heartened, passionate praise for its visual flair and technique or a negatively-imbalanced recognition of…
The Hunter Gets Captured By The Game: Halloween (2018)
“Everyday brings change, and the world puts on a new face Sudden things rearrange, and this whole world seems like a new place Oh yeah, secretly I been tailing you Like a fox that prays on a rabbit Had to…
Humble Disagreements With the 2018 Oscar Nominations
Let me start off by saying that “snub” is a pretty harsh word for most of these. I would also accept “oversights” or “tough calls.” With that said, here are five of my initial thoughts on films/directors/actors who I thought…
Oh! The Horror… | of Anticipation
It’s a new year which means there will be a whole new slate of horror cinema to be released (probably) every day of 2018—as it continues to be the most profitable genre in film. In an age of #FOMO (“Fear…