In Theaters September 11th, 2015

In Theaters September 11th, 2015

In an otherwise quiet movie release weekend, the big news is that M. Night Shyamalan returns to the big screen with his first feature film since the flop-tacular Will Smith movie After Earth. It has become quite fashionable in movie circles to pile on Shyamalan for some very high profile bombs, but some sneak preview footage at San Diego Comic-Con went well and hopefully Mr. M Night can return to form.

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Opening In Wide Release

The Visit Movie

The Visit

The master of the cinematic twist, M. Night Shyamalan is back with a new movie that boasts of a major, entertaining twist. As it was previously mentioned, Shyamalan has been a pretty popular director and writer to pile on after a run of movies with less than stellar performances at the box office and poor reviews from critics. It is promising that many people are high on this movie, but you’ll find us cautiously optimistic.

The movie centers on a single mother who’s life takes an unexpected and deadly turn when they stay at their grandparents’ house. The previews show the grandparents as the main antagonists and that is genuinely scary. I always loved going to my grandparents’ house growing up, so having a scary experience there taps into something many of us will be familiar with. I’m just not sure about Shyamalan’s writing and I can’t get on board until the proof is in the pudding. Hopefully, this will be so much better than many are expecting.

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The Perfect Guy Movie

The Perfect Guy

One view of this trailer, not even the whole thing, will most likely turn you off to this movie. The premise of a woman who rebounds to an impossibly good, eventually psychotic boyfriend and then has to get away from him while he stalks her is boring and has been done too many times to count. These are regurgitated 80’s and 90’s thrillers with new packaging, and I highly doubt this one will go very far. Why cover it? To help you discern exactly what to see with your precious time.

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90 Minutes in Heaven

90 Minutes in Heaven

Another faith-based film?! Amazing how this industry has been proliferating so rapidly since the success of God’s Not Dead and the Kendrick Brothers movies. This doesn’t look to be any good at all and it is also based on a terrible book by Don Piper (no relation to John Piper). The only reason it makes the preview is that it stars Anakin Skywalker himself, Hayden Christensen, who has been in a TON of bad movies since Revenge of the Sith in 2005. The prequel Anakin’s have not had the best of luck since the end of the prequel trilogy and it doesn’t look like it’s heading in the right direction.

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