Oh! The Horror… | of the Liturgy of Michael Myers
Breathe in, breathe out. Stand up, sit down, kneel. Morning prayer, confession, remission. Leer, stalk, kill. Going through the process of (finally) viewing all of the Halloween franchise, in order, has been an odd endeavor. Some assumptions have been verified…
A Really Bad Case of the Mondays
7-Day Forecast So if you are a subscriber to Netflix, as many are, then you have probably seen a trailer or thumbnail for What Happened to Monday recently. The concept has been explored before by many sci-fi films and books:…
#147 – The Big Sick and a Different Type of Love
On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: One of the best things about doing this podcast is finding films you truly connect with that maybe didn’t have huge theatrical runs or huge opening weekends but are still among…
Trektember TNG – #30: Retrospective
Well, that’s it. We did it. Again. (Did what? If you missed the entirety of Trektember, click here) This past month has been quite a ride; it was a completely different animal from last Trektember, which was also a great…
Trek Backstory, part 24 – The Next Generation’s Legacies
The legacy of Star Trek: The Next Generation was incredibly prolific; and it’s not over. The last edition of Trek Backstory is here.
Trektember TNG – #29: All Good Things…
Past, Present, Future: Our accuser is relentless. David Atwell is talking about “All Good Things…” today!
Trek Backstory, part 23: Season 7… was NOT the Best Ever
The Next Generation begins winding down with their seventh season and first feature film in this edition of Trek Backstory.
Trektember TNG – #28: Encounter at Farpoint
Quintessentially Star Trek: Mike Poteet muses about humanity’s trial in his review of Encounter at Farpoint. Happy 30th Birthday, TNG!
The Tapestry of Star Trek: TNG Part 4
Series Overview: Thirty years ago, Star Trek: The Next Generation embarked on a journey that would solidify the popularity of a franchise, redefine science fiction entertainment, and take us on some incredibly cool, wholly memorable journeys. With so many great,…
Trek Backstory, part 22: Was Season 6 the Best Ever?
The sixth season sees perhaps the highest density of really good episodes as Trek Backstory continues.