Sacred books and texts loom large in human civilizations, past and present. Yet such books and texts are scarce in Star Trek. Memory Alpha’s entry on “Sacred Texts” lists exactly 16 examples from the entire franchise. Is this dearth of…

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As I watched “Lethe,” I couldn’t help but think about how the author of Ephesians (let’s acknowledge scholarly dispute over the epistle’s author, but go with the traditional designation of Paul for convenience) admonishes children to obey their parents. It’s…

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What struck me most as I watched the debut episode of Star Trek: Discovery was its use of the eye as a recurring visual motif, and vision as a dominant theme. It begins, a la the 1997 science fiction film…

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Quintessentially Star Trek: Mike Poteet muses about humanity’s trial in his review of Encounter at Farpoint. Happy 30th Birthday, TNG!

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Finality, Death, Hope: Trektember looks at “Skin of Evil” with another article by Mike Poteet of The Sci-Fi Christian.

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Cosmos and Calling: We kick off #Trektember TNG with a review of Where No One Has Gone Before, by Mike Poteet of The Sci-Fi Christian!

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