Trektember TNG – #3: The Measure of a Man
We Are More: Trektember explores tough questions with this review of “The Measure of a Man” by Reed Lackey of More Than One Lesson.
Trek Backstory, part 1: Before The Next Generation
Our #Trektember universe is expanding with a miniseries about the behind-the-scenes proverbs that The Next Generation can teach us.
Streaming Weekly September 2017 1.0
You blink and summer has disappeared. All of a sudden, it’s Labor Dabor and the school year has started. Before you know it, the weather will turn cooler and Fall will officially sweep in. Put aside all your fretting and trust…
Trektember TNG – #2: Skin of Evil
Finality, Death, Hope: Trektember looks at “Skin of Evil” with another article by Mike Poteet of The Sci-Fi Christian.
Trektember TNG – #1: Where No One Has Gone Before
Cosmos and Calling: We kick off #Trektember TNG with a review of Where No One Has Gone Before, by Mike Poteet of The Sci-Fi Christian!
#144 – Detroit and When the Gospel Gets Political
On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: Detroit is a movie that has received positive reviews overall but has incited a mixed response from audiences of different backgrounds. Does Detroit serve a larger purpose to remind us of…
Trektember TNG – Season Two Preview
#Trektember comes back tomorrow! Best possible speed to the other side of the universe.
Trektember TNG – Episode List
Here are the episodes we’ll be reviewing for Trektember TNG, along with the articles’ authors. Read our intro article for more information about the project, and don’t forget to follow our Behind-The-Scenes series about the making of the show! 8/30…
Game of Thrones S07E07 – The Dragon and The Wolf
Well, now we’re all feeling it. You know, that gaping hole of emptiness in your chest left after the season finale of your favorite show. Why do things have to end, anyway? Who came up with that rule? Rhaegardless, if…
Oh! The Horror… | of Anthologies
There is something deeply satisfying about how peoples’ stories intersect and collide in the strangest ways. One of my good friends was recounting how he had gone to see the metal band, The Sword, in Fort Worth at Lola’s. As…