Bruised and battered. Lost. Alone. Left behind by friend and foe alike. No resources, no backup, no help on the way. A villain is about to end the world, but the hero is miles away—and in no condition to fight…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: Another special PATRON sponsored episode. Another of our esteemed Patreon sponsors, Hunter and Stephie Van Wagenen, have selected one monster of a film, Godzilla: King of the Monsters. The 2014 Godzilla…

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However, Godzilla: King of the Monsters maintains the legacy of the franchise in a way that the 1998 or 2014 do not because of their overtly Western narrative frameworks. It concentrates on the kaiju, first and foremost, while obscuring the human stories in order to broaden the thematic world beyond the human perspective, and it maintains the environmental critique that has been present since the first film. Within the legacy of Toho, the film is everything one could expect.

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: Before Avengers, there was another superhero movie that was bringing great joy to the masses– from the DCEU of all places. Shazam! proves that DC’s cinematic turnaround isn’t stalling anytime soon.…

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On this episode of Reel World: Rewind… We know Kung-Fu. Well, not really, unless Gene forgot to tell us he actually DOES know it. However, one thing we do know is The Matrix is a defining movie in the prolific movie year…

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It would be easy to dismiss Pokémon Detective Pikachu as “just” any number of things: “Just” a kids’ movie. “Just” a video game movie. “Just” a funny-animal movie. “Just” a supernatural mystery. “Just” a live-action spinoff of a long-running anime.…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: It’s been a long road to Endgame, but we’re finally here. We have a show that tries to run the length of the actual film as we talk about the movie’s…

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I am now four days out from my first and, so far, only viewing of Avengers: Endgame and I have thought about it every single day. My mind keeps drifting back to it, mulling it over, remembering moments that moved…

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Last year’s Avengers: Infinity War was quite a unique film. Part cliffhanger, part villain-as-protagonist character piece; the movie had all the makings of standard superhero epic, and assembled the most powerful characters that really matter to most of the moviegoing…

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Have you heard? There’s a new Star Wars film coming this year. It’ll be the final film of the sequel trilogy which began in 2015 with The Force Awakens, the final film of the Skywalker Saga which began in 1977…

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