I am now four days out from my first and, so far, only viewing of Avengers: Endgame and I have thought about it every single day. My mind keeps drifting back to it, mulling it over, remembering moments that moved…

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Instant Family is a comedy about a very serious thing: foster care. While the traumas that bring kids away from their birth families and into the foster system are no laughing matter, the messiness that results from imperfect people trying…

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This episode has long been one of my favorites, certainly of season 3, possibly of all Doctor Who. There are so many threads worth following in this thematically rich story: kidnapping, drug addiction, terrible consequences of the human propensity towards excess, repentance and…

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This episode is all about the power of words. And who better to feature in a language-focused story than the generally-lauded King of the Written Word, William Shakespeare! “By the pricking of my thumb / Something wicked this way comes”: Also appropriate is…

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  In this second episode of the new season, the Doctor finds himself in a hospital that is displaced to the moon by the Judoon. These rhino-looking alien creatures are “police for hire” who have taken the hospital to “neutral territory” in order to…

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“The Runaway Bride”—a Christmas episode—follows immediately on the heels of the season 2 finale: just after losing Rose, the Doctor is thrown into a new adventure. He doesn’t seek it out. It appears right in front of him in the…

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In terms of storytelling, director Derek Cainfrance is a novelist. The journey through The Light Between Oceans is careful, sometimes excruciating. It lingers over moments, drawing them open with beautiful images rather than words so that the shifts between them…

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As noted in last month’s Who-ology, the Christian narrative starts with the distortion of truth in the Garden of Eden: with good being called evil, and light being called darkness (Isaiah 5:20, Genesis 3:4,5). That is the beginning of the…

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“Army of Ghosts” is part one of the two-part story that is the finale of season two. At its beginning, the Doctor and Rose return to modern-day London to visit Jackie Tyler, only to find that the world has gone…

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If there’s anything the Doctor believes in, it’s companionship. Even when he finds himself without a semi-permanent traveling buddy, he is making friends with whomever he comes into contact with on his adventures. Companionship is the centerpiece of this episode. Perhaps the…

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