On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: The Marvel Cinematic Universe cruises right along with another great character addition. Captain Marvel is a film that, like many other films over the past few years featuring female leads in…

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Spoiler warning: Plot spoilers for Captain Marvel follow. It took ten years and 21 movies, but the Marvel Cinematic Universe has finally given us a female superhero movie; and as far as I’m concerned, it was the one I was…

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If the slightly grotesque yet charming dragons and the beautiful, tactile CGI-animation is what draws you to the How To Train Your Dragon series, then you will love How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World. Each successive movie in…

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Alita: Battle Angel is a totally awesome mess. It’s got an unbelievably good lead in the heretofore-mostly-unknown Rosa Salazar, whose character should stand pretty much as deep in the Uncanny Valley as you can get, but somehow manages to be…

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The release of The LEGO Movie in February of 2014 surprised everyone, including all of us at Reel World Theology. Having recently just got started and only releasing a couple shows a month, Fizz, Mark, and Joe Darnell went back to…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: Even though we may have been confused as to why there was another version of Spider-Man coming to our cinemas (especially an animated one), we, and audiences everywhere, quickly found out…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: The latest offering from the DCEU is upon us and we have thoughts. Is this more of the drab symbolism that we got with early DCEU movies or did Aquaman learn…

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I have written many film analyses, but I am not a film critic. What I am is a film fanatic, a film creator, a life-long lover of story, and a nerd through and through. My thoughts laid out here come…

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If the year of 2018 in film has a theme, that theme is definitely superheroes. Depending on your definition of “superhero,” there have been between seven and fifteen blockbusters in the genre over the last twelve months, with another one…

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These Avengers trailers need to chill, man. Just like the lead up to Infinity War, they always get me tossing up my hands declaring “they all gonna die!” and preparing myself for weeks of drowning my sorrows in ice cream. Especially…

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