Please note: this article does contain spoilers for Avengers: Infinity War and Ant-Man and the Wasp, as well as every MCU film leading up to them. But none of the films after them, because nobody has seen them yet. Anyway,…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: Bryan Singer is back with another installment in the beloved X-Men franchise. This time he has not been heralded as quite the savior as normal. Landing somewhere (for most) between the…

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Is this an apocalyptic end to the X-men franchise, or a new beginning? X-Men Apocalypse opens in ancient Egypt with what could be the original mutant, one that has been around for generations due to the transference of his being into…

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We’ve finally reached the ultimate conclusion of #XMenWeek! Now that we’ve reviewed the movies and you’ve had a chance to get caught up on all things X-Men, it’s time to discuss which movies stand out from the others. If you…

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After a fantastic slate of reviews looking back at all things X-Men during our #XMenWeek, the time has come to turn our attention to the new X-Men movie. While it is not the only movie coming out, it is clearly…

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On the heels of the highest grossing, yet most critically reviled installment of the X-men franchise, X-Men: The Last Stand, Fox tried to continue the money machine by focusing on their most popular X-man, Wolverine. It’s hard to argue against…

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Everyone wants to be accepted. Even those who spurn acceptance do so to be accepted for not accepting who they are. Perhaps the biggest theme of any X-Men story is identity and being accepted. The whole premise of the original…

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Believe it or not, there was a time when there were not a dozen superhero movies being released every year. It almost seems mythological at this point, our brains are so saturated these days with people with powers beating up…

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How does one make a film with characters called Storm, Sabertooth, Cyclops, and Magneto and make it believable? Well, with a great sense of humor about itself and some poignant and relevant themes. Starting very purposefully with a WWII-era scene…

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When I initially sat down to comb through my thoughts and notes on the long-anticipated big screen realization of the “Merc with a Mouth”, I was quite aware of the controversy surrounding this movie. Little did I or others here…

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