Hell Is Behind That Door: Suspiria (1977 & 2018) and the Curse of Knowledge
How does one go about remaking Dario Argento’s blood-splattered hallucination Suspiria? One doesn’t. Were one to try they would wreck upon the shoals of its bewildering non-plot and nightmarish visual logic. The most a writer or director can do is…
Review| Suspiria (2018)
The film reviews coming out of major news and cultural commentary sites seem to fall within two categories when attempting to grapple with Luca Guadagnino’s Suspiria: heartened, passionate praise for its visual flair and technique or a negatively-imbalanced recognition of…
In Theaters May 6th, 2016
For most of the movie watching world, there is only one movie coming out this weekend. While it would make sense to only highlight the most anticipated Marvel movie since, well, the last one, you don’t want to miss out…
Top 5 Blockbusters of 2005
The middle portion of the first decade of the 21st century saw the blockbuster come out in a big way. While it wasn’t the first year CGI spectaculars dominated, Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace had ushered in a new…