Streaming Weekly November 2016 2.0
Today is a very significant milestone for Streaming Weekly. While it might not seem much, we’ve added a brand new streaming service to our pool of services to draw from. After carefully reviewing its content, curation, and diversity, Filmstruck comes…
#082 – Creed and Creating a Legacy
On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: Creed does two things we have already seen done this year (and we’ll see again!); it breathes life into a long established franchise (ie. Mad Max, Jurassic Park, Star Wars) and…
Review| Creed
“Time takes everyone. It’s undefeated.” -Rocky Balboa I know what you’re thinking, at least if you haven’t already seen Creed – the seventh installment of the Rocky franchise: did we really need another boxing movie? It’s a fair question, especially as the popularity of the noble sport wanes…