For a while now I have been contemplating how filmmaking changed with the introduction of sound in film. The dawn of the “talkies” is an innovation that I am not at all sure we have fully come to terms with…

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[Warning: Ahead there be spoilers. Though, it must be noted, the terror of both Carnival of Souls and The Witchrelies more on atmosphere than shocking plot twists.] There are few experiences that can match the slow-motion, attenuated terror of growing up…

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A few days back it was announced that Robert Eggers’ The Witch had gained public support from the Satanic Temple as “a Satanic experience.” I, in a potentially controversial move, publicly declared this news to be a good omen for…

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This week’s new movies are an exercise in polemics. One one side you have the brand-new, much hyped horror movie, The Witch. On the other side, you have the less-hyped but the very positively reviewed movie about the resurrection of Christ, Risen.…

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