Michael Bay took a backseat approach to the newest installment of the Bad Boys franchise—a franchise that was significant for how it brought black actors to the forefront in the beginning—as a producer and brought in Belgian directors, Adil &…

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“Whatever exists, [the judge] said. Whatever in creation exists without my knowledge exists without my consent.” – Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian, or the Evening Redness in the West “There’s imagery there. The religious text is great mythology. Out of that…

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This is a continuation of an essay analysis of the Force from Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back. If you have not, read A Theology of the Force – Part 1 before continuing with this article. Also, a quick note on sources…

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How do you POSSIBLY recommend a movie you have an insane and biased obsession with? Not just that, but it stars a comedic icon that is worth watching even in terrible movies! AND the movie shares a title and date…

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There is something absolutely fascinating about cults and the psychology of cults. Of all the things that I could have spent a lot of time on in college in my Religious Studies courses, I was drawn to understanding and learning…

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The Wednesday Web Link is our weekly feature on an article from the whole internets that is not only movie related, but a movie related article that makes you think deeper about the movies and TV you are watching.  If…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: It’s our first annual Christmas Episode! Yes, we show our British bias by following in the footsteps of the BBC and have a special, extra, episode just for Christmas. Hopefully this will be…

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As the Christmas season draws to a close and everyone makes their last minute purchases, one of the most popular gifts likely to be under many trees is a TV series box set of two recently ended series. This past…

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