How does one go about remaking Dario Argento’s blood-splattered hallucination Suspiria? One doesn’t. Were one to try they would wreck upon the shoals of its bewildering non-plot and nightmarish visual logic. The most a writer or director can do is…

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J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot studios have surprised with genre movie conventions layering callbacks to their B-movie origins and bigger cinematic influences. 2001’s Joy Ride the first feature-length movie ever produced by Abrams’ studio, mixed thriller pulp storytelling about a mysterious killer…

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Jeremy Saulnier’s last film, 2013’s Blue Ruin, was a vengeance flick with a flare for equal amounts of comedy and tragedy. It’s characters, narrative and outcomes actually felt satisfyingly realistic. None of the clean-cut, glorified vengeful murder set pieces found…

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Starbucks' insidious #RaceTogether cup

After a long week you want to sit down and be able to watch a quality movie that will make you laugh, cry, sit at the edge of your seat, and have fun.  Netflix Your Weekend is Reel World Theology’s…

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