The Little Prince: a story of love, friendship, and the art of remaining a child while growing up “I took their advice, and I grew up. I forgot all about being a child…” Any attempt to bring a beloved classic…

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500 years ago, Shakespeare wrote plays for the population of England and today we are still finding new ways to present them. This is marvellous. The fixed form of these old stories are playgrounds for the imagination of generations of…

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It’s finally happened everyone, it’s December! The last month of 2015 promises to be cinematic history with the opening of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, as well as The Revenant and The Hateful Eight! December is about to get very crowded, but before…

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Merry Christmas everyone!  We here at Reel World Theology hope you have/had a great holiday celebrating Christ, taking time off, opening presents, spending time with the ones you love, and (of course) watching movies!  There are few times of the…

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