If you expect your films to have narrative complexity, don’t go see this film. If you expect your films to break apart common cinematic tropes and characterizations, don’t go see this film. If you want your musicals to contain characters…

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You are in for a special treat this week. Our fearless leader decided to recommend the major May month-end releases on Netflix that both came out on the exact same day. As a result, Fizz has TWO recommendations for the first…

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Teetering on the precipice of October, our Streaming Weekly column stares up at the proverbial moon, dreading its transformation from a regular streaming column into a snarling beast known as “Screaming Weekly”. While you load your silver bullets and stock…

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If you ever need an excuse to the movie theater, tomorrow’s Earth Day holiday is the perfect excuse. There are not any movies that have anything to do with conserving our planet, but hey, why not celebrate by watching Chris…

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Everyone loves lists.  Top Tens, Billboard Top 200, Bottom Ten, Top 100, etc.  It is inherent and ingrained in our human nature to take the chaos around us and put it in some sort of orderly fashion.  Every Tuesday, Josh…

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