Unlike my top ten films list, my bottom five were rather easy to select; but probably more controversial than most lists. When I hate a movie, I actively despise it and the more praise that gets heaped on it—if praise…

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I think curating a top 10 list of films these days is like navigating a minefield. There are literally so many films being made every year that, even watching over a hundred a year, you have a swiss-cheese amount of…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: We kick off October with a movie that has been heralded as the scariest movie of 2018, Hereditary. Due to the nature of its release, it took a while for this…

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Hereditary is proving both a critical and commercial success. It’s boasting over 90% on RottenTomatoes and the best opening weekend for studio A24 (and on track to be A24’s second-most successful film, after Ladybird). The film centers on a family…

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There is a significant distinction between a tragic hero and a foregone conclusion. While both retain the characteristic of giving the audience foreknowledge of their impending fate, only the tragic hero invites the will of the audience to push against…

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