Review| Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
From the moment Star Wars: The Force Awakens ended, I knew and was predicting the return of Star Wars to the big screen was not the true test of the new era of the franchise under Disney ownership. From the…
10 Most Anticipated Fall Movies of 2016
With a disappointing summer movie season behind us, although not as bad as some have made it out to be, the fall movie season could prove to be one of the stronger ones in recent memory. Of a slew of…
‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ Teaser Trailer Reaction
Alright, everyone. It’s the harried, overly excited reaction to the new Rogue One teaser you have all been waiting for. Josh put together some quick reactions that have very little to do with anything other than fanboy excitement! Feel free to…
In Theaters April 16th, 2015
These couple weeks leading up to the beginning of May can be categorized as, “Weekends left until Age of Ultron comes out”. While I will leave you to count the weeks we have left, some of this week’s new releases…