A Liturgical Watchlist for Lent and Easter: Navigating That Space Between Death and Life
As we enter the season of Lent, a period of reflection and preparation as we move towards Easter, many people will be giving consideration to what it is they will be giving up as a symbol of this figurative time…
Oh! The Horror… | of the Curious Crucified Rabbit Man
I, earlier this week, reviewed the new anthology horror film, The Dark Tapes, and declared my love for the sub-genre and the heartbreak inherent in those times when it is not done well. So, when I was thinking about an…
Cherry Blossoms and Limestone Blocks
When we scheduled a family trip to our nation’s capital for this week, we had no idea that we were coming while the city was closed for repairs. The Capitol Dome: under scaffolding for restoration. The National Mall: a dirt…
(Not Iscariot)
Welcome to Redeeming Culture! What follows is a brief dramatization of what some people call “Spy Wednesday” – the day Judas began seeking an opportunity to betray Jesus. This is based in fact, but other than the names and basic…
Top 5 Highest Grossing Movies Opening on Easter Weekend
Having put Palm Sunday in the rearview mirror, we are now planted firmly in Holy Week, honestly, one of the best weeks of the year. The week leading up to Easter is a chance to reflect on the story of…