For a time in college, I found myself saying the worst thing I could imagine and finding it hilarious. In order to avoid getting in trouble, I’d make sure I was saying it ironically. I’d say something misogynistic and it…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: We talk (quietly) about John Krasinski’s latest film, A Quiet Place. Boy did this one catch on. A Quiet Place found audiences that love horror and those who don’t, which leads…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: We get to talk about the most original sci-fi film we’ve seen this year. Not only do we all love original sci-fi, but this film gives us so much to discuss–…

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Episode 2 of season 2 offers what science fiction does best–not only giving us a world we’ve never been in before, but using this new setting to explore questions already prominent in the human mind. In the case of “New…

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