Streaming Weekly March 2016 1.0

Streaming Weekly March 2016 1.0

Happy Friday, everyone! The start of March has come in like a lion where Josh calls home, but for you, it may be gentle as a lamb and super nice outside. No matter the weather, our contributors brave the elements to bring you recommendations you can stream this weekend in the comfort of your own home. So find something you like, sit back with a cold beverage and some popcorn, and enjoy the best of streaming movies and TV straight from us, to you. Happy movie watching weekend, everyone!

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via Alexis Johnson

GoT Poster

Game of Thrones (HBO NOW) – I feel now that I’ve read all five wonderful books and have seen all five seasons to date, I can give a balanced recommendation. I hesitated for a long time to get into this series because I didn’t want to be another bandwagon jumper, I’m glad I got over that because I adore this series.

Even though HBO (in their grand tradition) over-sexualizes the content and glorifies the gore of this already dark and crude tale, I would still highly recommend the show because the story is worth it. Definitely use discernment though, because the content is certainly not for everyone.

Game of Thrones is like nothing you will ever see on TV in terms of epic scale and attention to detail. It’s what I would call low-fantasy as there are elements of fantasy, but also a strong influence and inspiration from many eras of human history. My personal favorite aspect of the show is the cast. They are impeccably chosen for their roles, very interesting and diverse.  There are so many delicious intrigues and intricacies woven through the story. So much so that the characters often lose sight of the impending doom. Winter is coming, and with it the battle for the dawn.

The first 3 seasons follow the source material very well, and even into season 4 the changes aren’t that drastic. Season 5, however, has some explaining to do that I hope we will receive in this much anticipated season 6 scheduled to air April 24th. If it is epic you love, this is your program. At only 10 episodes each the seasons are incredibly easy to binge-watch and leave you constantly theorizing what’s to come and wanting more.

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via The Film Avenger

MiB Poster

Men in Black (Amazon Prime) – This movie is a classic, fun and quirky sci-fi trip. Will Smith’s persona is used to great effect here as a wisecracking New York cop who stumbles upon a much bigger force protecting the earth itself from the scum of the universe. Tommy Lee Jones is wonderful as the old, straight-laced Agent K. Rick Baker’s practical alien and make-up effects still astound me. And I love the nods to mid-century modern style in this film – particularly the riffs on the 1964/1965 New York World’s Fair.

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