A Lenten Devotional, Day 23

A Lenten Devotional, Day 23

This season, we’re blessed with a set of Lenten devotionals by contributing author Lee Hinkle.  Find out more about Lee at the bottom of this article, or at hinkledownunder.com.


John 9 (ESV)


I am a sucker for the Facebook “clickbait” of people who have never heard before, but are hearing someone they love for the first time. I have seen one video probably close to 100 times. I can’t help but click it. The joy that they express on their faces is amazing. The miracle of modern medicine providing the opportunity for them to hear is great. It is so fun to watch.

[pullquote]A desire to believe, but not knowing where to put that belief, would almost be like being blind again.[/pullquote]Can you imagine being blind since birth, and then you have an encounter with Jesus and you can see? He had joy that must have run through his body; amid the confusion of sunlight, people, and trees that he had never seen before. His life was changed in an instant. So much change that there were those who did not believe it was the same man. “It is I, I am the blind man.” Then he heard the inquisitions and questions; the accusations of never being blind. On top of that he did not know where the man who healed him had gone to. A desire to believe, but not knowing where to put that belief, would almost be like being blind again.

There are a lot of things in this chapter, but today the thing that struck me the most was the fact that an encounter with Jesus can change you so significantly that you are unrecognizable to those who may know you. We are so entrenched in our fleshy selves that, when Jesus breaks us free and creates our Truth self—our child of God self—we can be unrecognizable. As much as we like who we are in our sin, those around us have adjusted to that person and have grown accustomed to who we are. When we encounter Jesus and He changes us, it does not cause confusion for just us, but also for those around us.

[pullquote class=”left”]During Lent we remember our old self, but we don’t stay there. We are no longer blind.[/pullquote]”You can’t be Lee; he was a sort of selfish, loud brute, and you have a smile on your face and seem to love those around you.” Sound familiar (without the Lee part of course)? “You can’t be (put your name here) you were a (put your previous character here; you know, the one you thought wasn’t that bad), but now you (put the fruit of the Spirit that God is producing in your life here).

During Lent we remember our old self, but we don’t stay there. We are no longer blind. We walk with eyes that see the Saviour’s face, and hear His love song for us.


Father, we do not know why you choose to heal some miraculously and not to heal others. It is hard for us to understand and live without your answer. Remind us that we were dead and you brought us to life. Jesus, teach us to trust that you are revealing yourself as the Son of God in everything that is going on around us. Teach us, God, that you are in control, and you are bringing glory to yourself and holding us at the same time. Amen.

Lenten Action

Take time to praise God for how He has transformed your life and brought the Fruit of the Spirit to bear. If you are still searching, then ask God to open your eyes and see Him most fully.

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Lee Hinkle is an American pastor who, with his family of 7, felt God’s call to pack up and plant a church in Fremantle, a town in Perth, Western Australia.  Last Summer, the Hinkles left Indianapolis and arrived in Oz to begin their work.  You can follow their adventures at hinkledownunder.com.

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