#174 – Ocean’s 8 and The Importance of Representation

#174 – Ocean’s 8 and The Importance of Representation

On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast:

We talk about the next film in the Ocean’s Universe, Ocean’s 8. This time, the ladies get a chance to show what they can do as they have us rooting for the thieves in a slight-of-hand heist comedy that has been generally well received. How do the ladies stack up to the men? Did we need this? What’s the deal with the all-female remakes? How important is representation in film? We take a shot at answering that.

Download Episode 174 Here:

Reel World Theology #174 – Ocean’s 8 and The Importance of Representation
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This episode’s panel included JR Forasteros and David Atwell:

JR Forasteros (@jrforasteros)
The Storymen Podcast
ORDER: Empathy for the Devil

David Atwell (@RedeemCulture)
Redeeming Culture

Podcast Notes and Links:
Reel World Theology Discussion Group
Ocean’s 8 at IMDB
Ocean’s 8 at Rotten Tomatoes
Ocean’s 8 at Metacritic
Ocean’s 8 Review at Reel World Theology

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