In Theaters May 29th, 2015

In Theaters May 29th, 2015

Hard to believe May will have come and gone after this weekend. But fret not, intrepid movie viewer, the final weekend of this first month of summer movies does not fail to bring the blockbuster, as well as the potential dark horse and Cameron Crowe’s latest romantic dra-medy.

Opening In Wide Release

San Andreas Movie


If there was a movie from 2015 that defines the cash grab blockbuster it has got to be Warner Bros. release San Andreas. Starring Dwayne Johnson, the #1 actor to grab the teenage and young adult male demographic, as well as Alexandra Daddario as Johnson’s in danger daughter, the movie’s early reviews have been filled with phrases like “Apocalypse porn” and “CGI mess”. Not surprising, but certainly a disappointment from some smarter and much more fun blockbusters we’ve already seen this year (Furious 7Age of Ultron, Mad Max: Fury Road). If you’re up for it and you can’t get enough of “the artist formerly known as ‘The Rock'”, then check it out and let us know what you think!

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Aloha Movie


If you have been listening to recent episodes of the podcast that feature frequent contributor JR Forasteros, you my have caught his unabashed lack of enthusiasm for the latest movie from Cameron Crowe, Aloha, starring Bradley Cooper and Emma Stone. I’m assuming the enmity stems from Crowe’s lackluster output since the highly regarded Almost Famous in 2000. Aloha looks to be a possible return to form for Crowe, however there have been no early reviews out there, so it is difficult to get an early read on the film. I am intrigued by the premise, as well as the higher billed actors including the previously mentioned Stone and Cooper, as well as John Krasinski, Rachel McAdams, Bill Murray, and Alec Baldwin. Look for a review of this movie from yours truly after this weekend.

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Opening In Limited Release

Results Movie


The new comedy from Andrew Bujalski (Mutual AppreciationFunny Ha Ha) was nominated for the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance, and looks to be a fun, quirky comedy with a hilarious premise. A personal trainer (Colbie Smulders) is hired by a homely rich man (Kevin Corrigan) in order to improve his overall shape and he ends up being attracted to her and trying to woo her. This is not taken very well by Colbie’s boss and love interest, played by Guy Pearce. While it doesn’t look to be in the same mold as some of Bujalski’s previous work, it looks to have promise of a good story as well as good laughs. Check it out if it is in your area and let us know what you think.

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Heaven Knows What Movie


I don’t know anything about this movie, but it came at the recommendation of Scott Tobias from The Dissolve, and I trust almost everything that guy says about movies. From what you can see of the movie in the trailer, it is an intense ride about relationship and heroin. The mood and tone of the movie feels like Aronofsky’s Requiem For A Dream and features a quote in the trailer that concurs. If it is in your area, it is worth seeing. Again, check it out and let us know what you think if you get a chance to see it.

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