#105 – Star Trek Beyond and The Best of Humanity

#105 – Star Trek Beyond and The Best of Humanity

On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast:

stb001In a year of ho-hum blockbusters and endless sequels and remakes, we find ourselves taking a gander at another installment in the Star Trek franchise. This latest Kelvin-verse offering, Star Trek Beyond, written by Simon Pegg himself, has surprised many audiences by being fun and the most “Star Trek” of any of the rebooted universe. This is just the beginning of our conversation though because, as usual, we get to talk about humanity and it’s potential and limitations like any good sci-fi film.

Download Episode 105 Here:

Reel World Theology #105 – Star Trek Beyond and The Best of Humanity
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This episode’s panel included Mike Poteet, Reed Lackey, and Mark WIngerter:

Mike Poteet (@Bibliomike)
The Sci-FI Christian

Reed Lackey (@reedlackey)
More Than One Lesson Podcast

Mark Wingerter (@markwingdinger)
Re-View Series

Podcast Notes and Links:
Star Trek Beyond at IMDB
Star Trek Beyond at Rotten Tomatoes
Five Things to Love About Star Trek Beyond at Reel World Theology
Star Trek Beyond Review at Reel-Gospel
Star Trek Beyond Review at The Sci-Fi Christian
Star Trek Beyond Review at Christianity Today

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