Game of Thrones: S07E04 – The Spoils of War
“You’ve just won the biggest prize in the world. What could you have to be upset about? – Bronn” Ah good ol’ Ser Bronn, I’m so glad he’s back. The wisecracking-est knight this side of the Blackwater knows just how…
#141 – War for the Planet of the Apes and Modern Biblical Narratives
On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: The new Planet of the Apes trilogy has been one of the more surprisingly satisfying set of films over the past decade. What could have been yet another stale or bland…
Game of Thrones: S07E03 – The Queen’s Justice
When the summer heat cracks the 90s and the humidity wraps you up like a furry blanket of sweaty torment, is there anything more refreshing than cannonballing into the pool? Answer: no. Well, maybe sticking your face directly in front of…
Streaming Weekly July 2017 2.0
Happy Friday, everybody! While the weather outside is delightful, your streaming queue may look a little bit frightful. This weekend, we’re recommending two recent documentaries heavy on politics and controversy/tragedy. Because who doesn’t love that? Answer: No one, everyone loves…
Stargate: False Gods & True Myth
Happy 20th Birthday, #Stargate!
Oh! The Horror… | of Double Features, Vol. II
I am so pleased this week to be collaborating, once again, with my good friend, Joseph Nooft, who is a contributor for Mockingbird. We wanted to bring to you some more suggestions for double features—a non-horror film paired with a horror…
Reviewing the Classics| The Third Man
It’s always a good day when you can dig into Film Noir, and The Third Man is a prime example of the artful genre. Martin Scorsese is said to be a big fan of the film– enough to write a…
Game of Thrones: S07E02 Stormborn
Allow me to invite you into a moment. You have a Band-Aid stuck to your skin. And I mean it’s really stuck there. Probably to some hair on your arm or something. It has done its job, your boo boo…
Review| Dunkirk
There is a quote that goes around attributed to François Truffaut about the incapability of making an anti-war film. This quote was used often by Roger Ebert, but is actually quite difficult to pin down its actual source. Truffaut does…
Streaming Weekly July 2017 1.0
After a couple weeks on hiatus (#because summer), we’re back and better than ever. Well, not really, but we gotta sell stuff or we can’t pay the rent! Not really, since we don’t pay rent or get paid. Well, just…