The Complicated Vengeance of Hunters
Nazis! Groovy Assassins! Al Pacino! What happens when you take the motives and violence of Taranitino’s Inglourious Basterds and mix it with the revelry and twisted humor of The Boondock Saints? You get Hunters. And it’s glorious. I will keep…
"Et In Arcadia Ego, Part 2" – Star Trek: Picard S1E10
I struggled with how to start this review. I’m not only an enormous fan of The Next Generation, but I am particularly fond of Data and his relationship with Picard. Their bond was at the heart of TNG. It was…
The Mere Breath of Winning in Uncut Gems
When director Martin Scorsese finally got a chance to see the first cut of Joshua and Benny Safdie’s 10-years-in-the-making Uncut Gems, he told them, “Don’t change a frame.” Having brought funding to the Safdie’s movie and raising the movie’s profile…
"Et In Arcadia Ego, Part 1" – Star Trek: Picard S1E09
Look at them. They’ve never met anyone like you before, that granite face, wisdom and integrity etched into every line. The eloquence, the conviction…they don’t know what hit them. —Dr. Altan Inigo Soong Soong’s criticizadmiration of Picard might as well…
Make Happy: Bo Burnham Gets Real
The world is not funny. We are all dying. Thus opens Make Happy, Bo Burnham’s comedy special from 2016. Though it is four years old, and the world seems to have massively changed since then, some things stay the same.…
Charlie Pace: Lost Cause
It doesn’t take too long binging on the tv show Lost to realize the passengers of Oceanic Flight 815 are as metaphorically lost as they are physically. A grieving alcoholic brain surgeon with a God complex. A former member of…
DuckTales, Family, and the Surprisingly Insightful Deathtrap
This review contains spoilers for Woo-oo!, the pilot for the 2017 reboot of DuckTales. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s on YouTube for free (as of the publishing of this article) and the full series is streaming on Disney+.…
Parasite: A Tragedy Without Villains
As a depiction of ordinary people who fall into an unavoidable commotion, this film is: a comedy without clowns, a tragedy without villains, all leading to a violent tangle and a headlong plunge down the stairs. You are all invited…
The Monsters Have Arrived and We are Them: The Soska Sisters’ RABID
In the history of cinema, several filmmakers have stuck out as memorable, those who left a mark on the industry and have, in some way, influenced generations of filmmakers after them. In the world of horror cinema, in particular, one…