RWT Top 20 Films of 2015: 5-1

RWT Top 20 Films of 2015: 5-1

This year our Reel World Theology Contributors all submitted their picks for Top 10 Best Films of 2015. We used a numeric scoring system to assign points to every movie that received votes and then counted up each team’s score to form our Top 20 film list for 2015. We will be releasing our Top 20 list this week. Feel free to let us know what movies would have made your “Best of 2015” list. Today we finish with 5-1.

5. Creed

creed002“Creed was a very pleasant surprise to me. I didn’t expect it to be as good as it was. It simply one of the most emotionally gripping experiences I’ve ever had at the movies.” -The Film Avenger

Check out our Podcast Episode on Creed
or check out our written review

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starout3. (Tie) Star Wars The Force Awakens/Inside Out

“It’s almost impossible to deliver on a movie that is so highly anticipated, but J.J. Abrams has done it. The Force Awakens is everything Star Wars fans hoped for.” -Blaine Grimes

Check out our Podcast Episode on The Force Awakens
or check out our written review

“Pete Docter, Ronnie Del Carmen, and the Pixar team gave us one of the best Pixar movies ever and the best of 2015. Their portrayal of the inner-life of 11 year-old Riley and their beautiful execution of how happiness, joy, pain, and loss co-exist in our minds was affecting, fun, funny, and understandable for kids and parents. The image of a smiling, tear-eyed 11-year old hugging her parents captures the joy and difficulty of parenting, the evolving peril of growing up, and the safety and importance of a loving family. Beautiful.” -Josh Crabb

Check out our Podcast on Inside Out
or check out our written review

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2. The Revenant

Revenant“After seeing this film I remember texting Mikey and telling him that the visuals were good but the story frustrated me enough that it wasn’t rating high for me. I saw it again, and walked out of the theater with the feeling that if any of those shots had been in any other film I saw this year, we would be talking about that scene in movie X, but this movie is filled with those scenes. Alejandro is a mad scientist, whose work I had a hard time appreciating last year but can’t deny for even a second this year.” -Griffin Kale

Check out our written review of The Revenant
*Look for our Podcast Episode on The Revenant NEXT WEEK!

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mm0011. Mad Max: Fury Road

“[Mad Max] deserves best picture because it’s so unique in every way. It may be an “action film” but it demonstrated the power of showing, not telling through stunning visuals and creating relationships and tension using camera angels, landscapes, and expressive acting.” -Alexis Johnson

Check out our Podcast Episode on Mad Max: Fury Road
or check out our written review

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