The Bright Abysses of The Lighthouse (2019) & Sunshine (2007)
“And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look upon God.” Exodus 3:6 (NKJV) The story of Moses and the burning bush has rattled my being since I was old enough to understand its nuances. An all-consuming fire…
Keeping Watch on the Evil and the Good: Worshipping the State in Cool Hand Luke (1967) and Minority Report (2002)
For 13 years, my father was a corrections officer in a high security prison in Texas. Among his wards was the infamous Eyeball Killer, a man who murdered prostitutes and surgically removed their eyes. During routine searches of the man’s…
Review| Trolls and Joyful Exuberance
Retro is now the cool, marketable, and profitable thing to do in kid’s movies. Not only have we been subject to countless reboots of classic franchises in the adult genre–so we share it with our kids and create a whole…
The Avatar Blues
This review is about Avatar, the 2009 blockbuster, and as usual assumes that you’ve seen the film. Please be aware that there will be spoilers below. Avatar needs no introduction. It quickly attained the status of “highest-grossing film-ever,” beating out…