“I Don’t Want Any More Cracks About The Book!”: Insights for Interpreting Sacred Texts from Star Trek
Sacred books and texts loom large in human civilizations, past and present. Yet such books and texts are scarce in Star Trek. Memory Alpha’s entry on “Sacred Texts” lists exactly 16 examples from the entire franchise. Is this dearth of…
Trektember: Trials and Tribble-ations
The original Star Trek was sometimes over-dramatic, but it was always dramatic. It was aiming for a kind of weighty seriousness, a sense that things really mattered; except in “The Trouble with Tribbles.” Then they just had fun, even poking…
Trektember: The Wrath of Khan | Classics
If it had been the only Star Trek thing ever, we would simply regard Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan as a great movie, like The Adventures of Robin Hood, Seven Samurai, Raiders of the Lost Ark, or The Dark…
Trektember: Star Trek: The Motion Picture | Classics
In Which Spock Gets His Heart I unabashedly love this movie, and pretty much have since I got it on a videotape. The opening scene is fantastic. It really *is* visually and musically a lovely movie. Almost 40 years after…
Top 5 Star Trek Movies
In anticipation of Star Trek Beyond, opening this weekend, it seems like a good time to finally cause division and strife by ranking the movies that have come before it. I consulted with the experts at Reel World, mainly Fizz and…