We have endless choices with our entertainment today. That’s no exaggeration. We can pretty much watch whatever we want, whenever we want, if we pay the right subscription fee. So, when we choose to spend our time on a show,…

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There’s a moment in this episode where Will Byers walks into school after being dropped off by Bob, and it is everything this season is about. Will shuffles his way towards the school doors alone, but quickly he is immersed…

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Welcome back boys and girls of all ages, to the land of supernatural other worlds, sinister mad scientists, and the scariest thing that looms for us all: internet spoilers. Yes, clear your schedules, for it is fastest-to-the-finish binge watching time…

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There have a been a couple of moments in my life where I have truly been frightened by an event that took place, which at the time and to this day, I have not been able to explain. There have…

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