Trektember: Lethe | Star Trek: Discovery
As I watched “Lethe,” I couldn’t help but think about how the author of Ephesians (let’s acknowledge scholarly dispute over the epistle’s author, but go with the traditional designation of Paul for convenience) admonishes children to obey their parents. It’s…
Trektember: Choose Your Pain | Star Trek: Discovery
Recap Burnham raises concerns about the physical effects of spore drive jumps on the tardigrade creature, which places Stamets, Culber, and Acting Captain Saru at ethical odds after Captain Lorca is captured by the Klingons and the spore drive is…
Trektember: The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry | Star Trek: Discovery
Author’s Note: Star Trek: Discovery is an unusually contiguous series in the franchise. As such, certain ideas and narratives cannot be discussed fully within the bounds of a single episode. For the purposes of this analysis, then, I’m going to…
Trektember: Context is for Kings | Star Trek: Discovery
“Universal law is for lackeys. Context is for kings.” – Captain Gabriel Lorca con•text /käntekst/ The circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed. Context…
Trektember: Battle at the Binary Stars | Star Trek: Discovery
It’s interesting to note who the villains are in this episode. In Klingon culture, T’Kuvma is a member of a disgraced house; a lower class, if you will. Unprivileged. The 99%. The marginalized. He accepts outcasts into his group, embracing…
Trektember: The Vulcan Hello | Star Trek: Discovery
What struck me most as I watched the debut episode of Star Trek: Discovery was its use of the eye as a recurring visual motif, and vision as a dominant theme. It begins, a la the 1997 science fiction film…
Trektember: "Star Trek: Discovery" Preview
This month is Trektember, and we’re trying to answer two big questions – “What is Star Trek?” and “What does Star Trek have to say about Christian faith?” – by looking at the first seasons of Star Trek: Discovery and…
Trektember: Season 3 Episode List
Want to know what Trektember is? Click here for an explanation. Here are the episodes that we’ll be reviewing for Trektember 2018, as well as the authors! If you want to see the reviews from a different season of Trektember,…
Trektember: Season 3 Preview
If you just want to see the episode list, click here. Welcome to the third season of Trektember! Over the past two years, we’ve taken the month of September to dive deep into Star Trek through the lens of Scripture.…