Review| Venom
An otherworldly being inhabiting a human has been an oft-treaded conceit in the science fiction genre. The characters affected experience an assortment of interactions likened to symbiotic relationships found in the natural world. From the parasitic possession of Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Parasite…
Review| Wonderstruck
Adapted from Bryan Selznick’s New York Times bestselling novel, Todd Haynes’ (Carol, Far From Heaven) latest film Wonderstruck is an aptly named story for audiences of all ages. The film simultaneously follows two young protagonists Rose (Millicent Simmonds) and Ben…
Top 5 Supporting Actress 2016
In 2016, if there was ever a category needing a Top 5 instead of a Top 10, it is the Best Supporting Actress category. Multi-Oscar winners continued their incredible run of great performances and some surprising newcomers entered the conversation,…
Review| The Missed Connections of Certain Women
“Did you just see the movie that just got out? Certain Women?” My friend Adam and I had barely cleared the threshold of the Landmark Theater in Highland Park, Illinois, my first experience at the art/indie cinema franchise, when an…