A couple weeks ago I shared an article from Reel Spirituality on an approach to reviewing movies that is not criticizing, but is approaching a movie as an exploration and us as the movie-goer as an explorer. This article was…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: The Wachowski’s are often criticized for never living up to the potential they showed in The Matrix. While we do think that no other of their films has topped The Matrix,…

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The Wachowskis go big and ambitious once again with a beautiful and intergalactic universe of dynasties, androids, aliens and monsters. While not as explicitly religious and symbolic as their previous work, most notably The Matrix, they still are at least dip…

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This week brings a bit of a change with all but one of this weeks movies releasing nationwide in the theaters. Now is a time of year where you may see smaller films sneak into a wider release for distribution,…

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