Around the middle of the decade, Harper’s critic Charles E. Whittaker gave a scathing film review. Art is supposed to be expressive, he said; but the idea of “art” is far from the movie… …not merely in absence, but in…

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Editor’s Note: Welcome to the first in a new monthly series at Reel World Theology where contributors bring two films–often from different cinematic eras–into conversation with one another in order to investigate the elements (themes, technique, script, character, etc.) of…

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Guardians of the Galaxy quickly became my favorite Marvel movie, even though I initially had no idea what to make of it when I saw the trailers. I’m a sucker for two things in stories: bromances, and outcast, misfit groups…

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The Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of men, To see if there are any who understand, who seek God. They have all turned aside, They have together become corrupt; There is none who does good, No, not…

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We’ve always wondered what could possibly be out there. Even centuries ago, when humanity could only dream of floating in the zero gravity of outer space, stories were being written of the far reaches of space and what could be…

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The latest reboot of the Fantastic Four hits theaters this weekend and there is much trepidation and reluctance surrounding Marvel’s first family. This time around, 20th Century Fox gave Josh Trank the opportunity to hopefully right the ship of this much loved…

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We might be preaching to the choir a little bit on this Wednesday Web Link, considering myself and Fizz are highly influenced and were inspired by the work of James Harleman and his website, Cinemagogue. James was a formative influence…

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