"Broken Pieces" – Star Trek: Picard S1E08
There’s a delightful (if not disconcerting) moment near the middle of “Broken Pieces,” where Agnes Jurati asks Jean-Luc Picard if he believes in hell. Picard’s breathy sigh and casually lifted eyebrow are a wonderful piece of subtle acting from Patrick…
Review| Hereditary
There is a significant distinction between a tragic hero and a foregone conclusion. While both retain the characteristic of giving the audience foreknowledge of their impending fate, only the tragic hero invites the will of the audience to push against…
#169 – Come Sunday, Ira Glass, and a Loving God
On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: We take a look at one of the newest Netflix original films, Come Sunday. This film is based on the life of Bishop Cartlon Pearson who began teaching a doctrine of universal…
Oh! The Horror… | of When God Moves Mysteriously at an Angle
This is the first article in a limited series on the cult British comedy, Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace. “Larry Renwick will be remembered for his wit, and laughing eyes. And for being above-all a good friend. I’m sure we all feel…