Scott Teems’ new film, The Quarry, strikes upon two of my deepest obsessions: southern gothic literature and music. It doesn’t have the magical realism of True Detective’s first season and it doesn’t have the grotesquery of the characters of Flannery…

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As we enter the season of Lent, a period of reflection and preparation as we move towards Easter, many people will be giving consideration to what it is they will be giving up as a symbol of this figurative time…

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Every movie is a story about redemption. Warrior (2011) and Good Will Hunting (1997) are no different, but what they tell us about redemption—and its source—could not be less similar. Good Will Hunting is a story about Will Hunting (Matt Damon), a…

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Well, now we’re all feeling it. You know, that gaping hole of emptiness in your chest left after the season finale of your favorite show. Why do things have to end, anyway? Who came up with that rule? Rhaegardless, if…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: We definitely had our doubts about Disney making a live-action version of this age-old tale, but instead of giving it the reinterpretation or revisionist treatment, they simply gave us the story…

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