We weren’t planning to talk about flags for two weeks in a row, but here we are: some theological musings on flying the Christian flag over the American flag, the gay pride flag over the Confederate flag, and what our truest hope is.

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Update 7/8/15: More flag news has surfaced since this article was written, so make sure you check out the latest article about Flags Over Facebook! • • • Over the past three weeks or so, it seems that two flags have…

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My seven-month-old son’s day goes like this: Look around for the most interesting thing around him.  It might be behind me! Stare at it intently (and hopefully put it in his mouth) for a few minutes until you figure it out. Go…

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The sky is falling!  Christians are an endangered species!  Controversial stands on topics like abortion and homosexuality are turning people away from the faith in droves!  Facebook and Twitter are awash in anger against the faithful!  Head for the hills! Christian…

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Everyone loves lists.  Top Tens, Billboard Top 200, Bottom Ten, Top 100, etc.  It is inherent and ingrained in our human nature to take the chaos around us and put it in some sort of orderly fashion.  Every Tuesday, Josh…

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