Review| Burden
Like I talked about in my review of last year’s Skin, it is difficult telling a story of America’s ugly past dealing with racism, and the terrorism that the Ku Klux Klan visited upon our African American brothers and sisters. It…
#144 – Detroit and When the Gospel Gets Political
On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: Detroit is a movie that has received positive reviews overall but has incited a mixed response from audiences of different backgrounds. Does Detroit serve a larger purpose to remind us of…
When the Center Does Not Hold: The Problem with Detroit
“The white gaze: it traps black people in white imaginations. It is the eyes of a white schoolteacher who sees a black student and lowers expectations. It is the eyes of a white cop who sees a black person and…
Netflix Your Weekend | Robocop
One of the only things I remember about RoboCop from when I was growing up in the 80’s is the RoboCop arcade game. Those darn giant monster/robots were incredibly hard and the guns you got were totally awesome. I always…
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